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Music Box is one of the premier sources for concerts and show productions in Greece with continuous presence since 1982.
Our company has collaborated with the greatest Greek artists (such as: Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Chadjidakis, Melina Merkouri, Manos Loizos, Fleri Dadonaki, Mimis Plessas, Christos Nikolopoulos, Dimitris Mitropanos, Thanos Mikroutsikos, Vasilis Papakonstantinou, Pix Lax, Haris Alexiou, Dimitra Galani, Stefanos Korkolis, Lavrentis Maxairitsas, Tania Tsanaklidou, Haris & Panos Katsimihas, Manolis Mitsias, etc) and a lot of important international artists (such as: Vanessa Mae, Montserrat Caballe, Alexandre Desplat, Cesaria Evora, Sinead O'Connor, Stomp, Patricia Kaas, Jethro Tull, Billy Idol, The Stranglers, etc).
We’ve also collaborated with a large number of Cultural Organizations and Institutions (such as “Athens 2004” which entrusted us with much of the Cultural Program for the 2004 Olympic Games) and have expanded our wings even beyond the boundaries of Greece, as we’ve toured with some of the most important Greek artists in Europe, North America and Canada.
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